So, the news is 95% good. Like I said before, good margins, clear lymph nodes, clear blood and found out Friday, clear liver. They are still concerned about the levels they got, so more blood work to do... but there is no evidence of cancer so that rocks!
The 5% is a little troubling right now... but, true to Dettman form, even my cancer cells are over achievers. ( I imagine them working 20 hours a day, taking on way too much, refusing help at any corner and then asking the surrounding breast tissue if they are performing well.)
Okay, here is the low down on my breast cancer: First, this is what stage two breast cancer is in my case: Malignant tumor in my milk duct The cancer had started to spread to the surrounding tissue, making it invasive and at a Stage Two.
so, the steps are: get the cancer out. And a portion of the healthy tissue surrounding... just in case. Next, check the rest of the body for cancer. I have no signs that it has metastasized anywhere else so far, except for those weird liver readings. So, did the CT scan on the abdomen. All clear there, so Yay!!! But won't get the all clear of cancer card til after treatment and then another PET test that scans me for rogue cancer I guess. Which is a way off.
Once they take out your cancer, they study it. I got back mostly good news. Hormone treatable, which means less of all the other scary stuff. Size was good, margins good ( I was wrong before. Margins are in regards to the healthy tissue they take out as well just in case there are any pre-cancerous things going on there.) The cancer type itself is not aggressive but...
So, what is that 5%? Apparently, the invasive cancer outside the tumor was multiplying very fast. they rate the division of cells concern at 15 - 20 %. Mine were 30. So basically, I went from being a low risk of reoccurring breast cancer to a possible high risk. DAMN!!!
But it's still not conclusive. More tests on the cancer itself which will target that specific "quality" of the cancer... and the return on that test determines whether or not I get the dreaded chemo-therapy. And more radiation.
I asked the nurse at the oncologist if she thinks peoples blood pressure goes up significantly when they come in to find results. She asked me why and I said because I'm totally cool until I walk through the door and start staring at that huge fish tank and begin to realize that in like 10 minutes I'm going to find out if my liver has a tumor in it.... I'm pretty sure my heart is beating just a bit faster than normal.
And so, the waiting continues... but I'm healing well and having my alternative medical treatments which are amazing... next blog I'll tell you about an amazing woman who is giving me free treatments that are helping my body repair itself, prepare for some major cell craziness (at the very least, radiation) and has helped me re-tune my nervous system... I'm going to make a video for her when I am able to help her change the world one spine at a time.
What I've learned that cancer hates: oxygen. Cancer hates people who do aerobic exercise. Vitamin D. Cancer no likey. It also doesn't like people with an alkaline ph balance in their bodies which means it also doesn't like wheat grass, sweet potatoes, people who eat a Mediterranean diet, avocados and a list of other things you can find in the ph charts online.
What does cancer like? stress. lots of stress since it puts your body in a very vulnerable place. it likes lots of sugar and any amount of fat. And it LOVES it when you over load your liver with alcohol, or high fat so that it can't do it's job and drain away the potentially dangerous elements in your system.
So what am I craving right now? Mojito. Steak. Video games (those are actually good for you in low doses... keep up your fighting skills) Ha. That's life. Today is the first day my breast hasn't hurt. I guess all the pain killer are gone now and my breast has gone through what I like to call the "what the hell happened here????" phase of pain. You know, the nerves are waking up from the vicodin induced coma... that shooting pain. And then it figures it out and goes to work healing it. My white blood cells are all up in that biz!
Next time: "I am breathing... aren't I?"
Robyn thanks so much for sharing... This is going to help many people, and as someone who has lots of cancer in my family, it is inspiring to read and also learn more about how I can prevent this in my life (cancer no likey wheatgrass :) ... ) Thanks and you are in my thoughts and prayers... - Eddie Sandoval